Discover the peace in nature.

Clothing spun from nature.

Save your balls from microplastics.

We are all Native to the Earth

The ROANHORSE Brand is sustainable to the core; all fabrics and even the shipping procedure Using 10% of profits to provide sports equipment for the Native American youth. Designing clothes for the future looking beyond gender and the norm. Browse our best sellers below.


All our clothing are specially designed and made with sustainable materials such as Bamboo, and Recycled plastics.

We Give Back!

Donating 10% of profits to buy sports equipment for the Native American youth participating in sports.

Fast Shipping

No matter where you live, we will ship straight to your door step as soon as possible after the order is confirmed.

Softened Bamboo Mens Briefs.

Fast Shipping :)

"I bought a couple of boxer briefs and jocks and I think they’re some of the most comfortable underwear I own. The fabric is so light and breathable I almost forget I’m wearing them. The scented packaging was a great touch!"

— Michael N.

Fit perfectly Love how they feel on me .

"I can’t believe that they got here so quickly.
Thanks again for exchanging them for me! I will spread the word to my friends about how nice Roanhorse underwear is ❤️"

— Zac S.

I give them 5 stars 🤩

"I love the feeling of both the jock and the boxer briefs. I will be buying more."

— Allen T.

These shorts feel great against the skin!

— Wilson

Amazing product!

Pretty amazing. No one else is making shorts this decent, 100% merino, this cut. Could use bigger pockets, maybe. Drawstring might be improved a little. But really one of a kind. I got two pairs. I swim in them. Non plastic life!

— Daniel

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